by atmosports » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:58 am
If the guy who made it, knew what he was doing a CNC machined flywheel would be pretty close to be being balanced anway. But if not or your anal, take it to you local engine/driveshaft/turbo etc balance(Depending on size of there machine etc) & get them to zero balance it. Else if it's like some of those Ford motors with either a piece removed or added to the flywheel to get the balance correct I've done that with a cnc mill before as well,probably a lot more accurately than the factory cast/forged etc flwyheels.
I make grinding hubs, that spin to 25,000+rpm slightly about 400-500mm dia by up to 200mm long, all turn & mill in CNC machinery then sent to Lynn Rogers for a final balance, balance is always very close as usually there might be one or two holes smaller than 3mm drilled to get the balance correct & these are balanced way more critically then you'd do a flywheel