Most of the parts came today so I replaced the gaskets and the injector orings. That was all good. Started her up, went well, Tested for about 20kms, no worries.
Started on the ecu end of the loom, changing the pins to fit the gen 3 ecu.
Got all of two pins out before time caught up/was finding it really hard to get them out (Unpined the gen 3 plugs off another loom the other day fine)
So, two ground pins unplugged, decided to put it back together to have a running car
Mixed the two grounds, wouldn't start. Swapped them over. Starts, but only missing on one of the cylinders
Had had ago at the first of the injector pins before deciding to do it another day - thinking this might be the cause? Damaged connector to the injector making it not run on that cylinder?
Also part of the decision t stop for now was that there don't seem to be any distributor wires running to the ecu, even though they should be there according to the pinouts I have? How it is even running at all?
So, how do I get that pin working again/replacement pins?