by mega4a » Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:13 pm
Yes from what I have read on the net I'll need to re drill it but my worry is even though the two bolt work and the third will once I drill it will the mount be straight ? Or off on some kack angle which will put everything out.
I have both a 6speed gearbox from my bz wagon and the 5 speed LSD from my 4afte ae100 wagon which got crashed into why I decided to put the two together and make a powerful 20v turbo.
So I have both mounts from both gearboxes but yeah it looks like the 6 speed top mount will work on the 5 speed once I modify it but like I said before my concern is will it be straight I just wanted some guidance if anyone else has modded this before I got ruining my 6 speed mount
1999 Toyota Corolla BZ Touring wagon 4age 20v bt.
1996 Toyota Truneo 5AFE