Actually you'll be better off if YOU can control the throttle in two ways.
1. Introducing a missfire without reducing fuel causes washing of the cylinder walls. This increases wear and dilutes your oil.
2. WOT there is no restriction in flow, velocity slows and fuel falls out of suspension so you get less HP. If you can modulate the throttle then you have more HP because the throttle plate causes turbulance and a restriction in flow, increasing velocity. Try it next time your on a dyno, they test HP at WOT, but you can increase low and mid range HP by just closing the throttle somewhat!!!
Nitro mixes are a little different as the fuel air mix doesn't need to be as accurate.
The best solution for launching is throttle by wire, where the computer controls the throttle. Looked at doing something like this, but I'll have to wait for the Ultra Mega Squirt in order to have the clock cycles to drive the bloody thing!!!