plugs dont fit my ecu!

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plugs dont fit my ecu!

Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:23 pm


i got this loom and computer with my 4age. the loom fits the engine all sweet, except for the 3 plugs which go into the computer. the two lefthand plugs go in fine, but the 3rd one in the box doesn't fit - its bigger than the others.
ive been told everything from
"you've been given the wrong ecu/loom" to "get a link computer" to "the 3rd one goes to a circuit board, get another plug that fits the ecu and put that on the loom"
i have been told the engine has been running with that computer and loom.

i had a look at an ae92 loom and the 3 ecu plugs from that fit into mine perfect. only difference is the two lefthand plugs are on an engine loom, and the 3rd (righthand) plug is on a separate loom which goes to the dash.

the engine has gone into a ke35. am i supposed to cut the righthand plug off my loom and replace it with the one off the ae92 so it will fit? or do i need to cut the plug off the ae92 and put it onto my dash loom somewhere then into my computer? and the righthand plug which is currently on my loom goes to a fuse box or something?

confused?? so am i!!
and don't bother telling me if im asking this sort of stuff i should take it to an electrician - because ive been and asked electricians and they all know jacksh*t and everyone tells me different stories. any help would be appreciated.
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Postby 85AW20v » Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:42 pm

Could be the the loom and ecu came out an automatic as the plugs are different. Tried to check it on Phil Bradshaws page but those bits with the pinouts aren't working at the moment.
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Postby matt dunn » Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:17 pm


The two that plug into the ecu are fine,

The one that doesn't is not meant to connect to the ecu.

It will contain the wires for the temp and oil senders, probably the power feeds to the injectors and air con stuff. None of which is meant to goto the ecu.

The plug you dont have has the power feeds to the ecu, fuel pump trigger etc none of which goes into the engine bay which is why 99% of the time you do not get it when you buy a loom and computer.

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Postby ee904age » Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:04 am

Yeah, what Matt said. There are only three pins on the third socket that need connecting to get the engine running. PM me your email and i'll send you a pic of which ones.
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Postby ee904age » Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:04 am

Oh and god dam that ECU has had a hard life by the look of it!!!
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:44 am

The one that doesn't is not meant to connect to the ecu.

It will contain the wires for the temp and oil senders, probably the power feeds to the injectors and air con stuff. None of which is meant to goto the ecu.

so i do need it on the loom then? where is it supposed to connect to - somewhere on the dash loom or what?

There are only three pins on the third socket that need connecting to get the engine running. PM me your email and i'll send you a pic of which ones.

yea thats what i read on a website. what will i need to do to get those three pins connected then?

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Postby ee904age » Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:03 am

Email sent.

The pinout I sent you is for an AE92 but is the same as Bluetop
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Postby XS1V » Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:57 pm

What people are saying is rite, the two that fit come from the engine the other plug that goes into the ecu cmes frm the dash loom and runs warning lights etc. The third plug you have comeing from the engine bay normally goes to behind the left hand kick panel to a plug board for aircon etc
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:46 pm

4ageflyer wrote:What people are saying is rite, the two that fit come from the engine the other plug that goes into the ecu cmes frm the dash loom and runs warning lights etc. The third plug you have comeing from the engine bay normally goes to behind the left hand kick panel to a plug board for aircon etc

ohhk so seeing as i dont have aircon is there anything else i need that plug for? [the 3rd one on the engine bay]
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:28 pm

l1ttle_d3vil wrote:ohhk so seeing as i dont have aircon is there anything else i need that plug for? [the 3rd one on the engine bay]

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Postby ee904age » Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:03 pm

Did you get my email? You need the two EFI Main pins, and the BATT pin. looking at te sockets front on with the locking clips for th oter plus at the top, the two far right pins (top and bottom row) join together and go to the EFI Main relay and the second from the right on the top row goes to constant 12v.
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